Into the Next Orbit of Excellence….
We are living in exponential times. Since the time of origin of life on Earth which was just Blue-Green Algae, we have been evolving continuously. Whether we feel it or not, our DNA is changing through complex biological processes. No matter how slow it is, or it may take four to five generations to see its impact, it is working round the clock.
The length of the day on the Moon is different from the length of the day on Earth, but it moves and the rotation and revolution are the processes which keep things in balance. Change in the state of inertia is the key. We as educators need to be in a state of continuous flux. No isolation from the developmental processes is possible in this present era. We landed on the Moon back in 90s. Since then, curriculum has changed, methodologies have changed, generations have changed and thinking has changed. So how can we keep on teaching in the same manner ?
The paradox is that we are in 21st century but our methods and curricula belong to 18th and 19th centuries. Physical development calls for intellectual development which is visible in our ethics, mannerism and competence to live a life through skills to deal with success and failure with equal competence. Mankind is exploring interstellar spaces, teachers need to explore inter-orbital spaces, the spaces which are existing between one orbit of excellence and other orbit of development and research. To educate and train the young minds, one needs to be very careful because we are dealing with living heart and human beings who have emotions and all the potential to shape the future of the Earth.
Let us get equipped with the best tools and train ourselves on the path of development of intellect and climb the steep learning curve. My best wishes to all our educators who are trying to be facilitators of learning rather than imposing knowledge…let us be life-long learners…ready to learn, unlearn and relearn.

Col. (Dr.) Prof. Sanjay Sinha
Head of Education, J.K. Cement Ltd.