To enhance teaching learning process all the classes have been converted into digi-classrooms. This enables immediate and permanent impact on the learners, making learning convenient, easy and interesting. The Digital classrooms are equipped with the latest audio-video infrastructure based on the principles of smart Tutoring. This is a platform that employs unit-level multimedia tools, animations and interactive elements, making classes highly interesting and ensuring participation from all students. With unique features such as 3D graphics and the ability to magnify and go deep into the object under discussion, faculty members use these tools to maximize the learning experience for students. The objective of Digital Classroom is designed to make every hour of learning very interesting . We ensure complete schooling- comprising class work, home work, assignments and projects or activities inside the School Campus. Moreover entire schooling is a process of learning by doing and hands- on- experience.
The transport department of the school works meticulously for the smooth functioning of the system. Guidelines have been set for all the students to board the buses in time and rules are being followed with precision.
LKSPS provides one of the best bus facilities for the students. The buses are well maintained and regularly serviced. The drivers of the buses are well mannered, trained and experienced for the proper security of the staff and students. The school has its own buses which are available for it's students as per the availability of the seats. The students are not allowed to board the bus without the bus pass issued to them.

Computer Lab
A hi-tech computer lab to make the students tech-savvy and to keep them abreast with the latest techniques that teaches not just computer as a subject, but also, the integration of computer skills for learning of other subjects in the curriculum..
Science Lab
The school supports an education system that emphasize experiential learning. The focus is on challenging the students to explore new ideas and learn by doing. With well equipped and state of the art laboratories, the students are provided opportunities to question, explore, examine, hypothesize and draw inferences thus building a scientific temperament.